Puppetools Review

I got the opportunity to evaluate Puppetools. Their mission is:

OUR MISSION is to open the door to sweeping change in education by advancing the principle of play in teaching and learning. The world still looks to America for inventive social, economic, and technological solutions. Once, America’s gift to itself –and to the world–was a bold new experiment in political freedom. America’s next gift–again for itself and for the world– can and must be a bold new leap in education.

Due to my creativity deficiency, I am always excited to try any thing that will help me out in the arts ‘n’ craft arena. This site focuses on the creation of hand puppets. It has a patent pending base and then downloadable templates that you can use to create a variety of puppets. There are also forums and opportunities to see what others are doing with puppets. There is also different things offered to give ideas on how to use puppets.

This site has a couple of different membership options. A year subscription is $99 and is good for up to 30 users. There is also a 60 day trial subscription for $20. With the trial you will have full access.

So my recommendation? For a homeschooling mom or small enterprise? If you really want puppet help, I would do the 60 day subscription and be prepared to look at everything during that time. I think you can fully take advantage of the program with in that time. On the whole it is ok. I do think you could find these resources cheaper but they are all here in one spot and that counts for something.

Go look at the site and let me know what you think!

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