0 thoughts on “Monday Mingle!”

  1. You are not uptight as that would mean I am uptight. I think of baking with my son then realize the mess he would make and I scratch that idea. We go play outside but I won’t let him play in puddles or mud. Though you are right. I really need to let him be a kid. I am going to try to work on that.

  2. I’m with you on the whole let the kids be kids thing. I was the same way when mine were little. It’s hard but trust me they will be fine. Enjoy your week.

  3. I’ve never watched Lost…it has a huge following though.

    It is hard to let the kids be kids. Some night, start a food fight. Your kids will never forget it!

  4. Oh my! I haven’t gotten into Lost quite yet, I’ve seen a few episodes of Castle and of course Jeopardy is awesome!

    I’ve never eaten at Bennigans, I’ve seen one around here somewhere tho…

    I think the point you make about seeing them as children is a great point. I think we all struggle with that at times. I sometimes find myself using insanely large words with my 3 year old…LOL

  5. I thought that was a great response to the parenting question. There are lots of parents, especially moms, who struggle with that I think. In our house it’s a little different in that I have to encourage my son to be silly and let loose since he has always wanted to be so grown up – it’s a very interesting thing.

  6. We watched Lost til it got all weird.. present, future, etc.. we quit that year.

    I find myself in an odd position with letting kids be kids. I tend to forget that they need responsibilities.. beyond their bedroom. I regretted that with my oldest for a long time.. However he is awesome now when it comes to helping out around the house.

    With my little one.. I still struggle.. especially when it comes to working in the kitchen.. most times it is easier to just do it myself.. but I need to take advantage when she is willing to learn. She is a messy dishwasher!

  7. I am one of few people on this earth that never got into Lost. LOL

    Letting them be kids is a good thing to remember. I think there’s a balance and it can be hard to find that balance 🙂

    Hope you’re having a great week{end}!

  8. Your answers are excellent! I am also someone who hasn’t gotten caught up in Lost (oops!).

    I know what you mean about letting kids be kids sometimes. It is hard to do, but it does feel good when it happens. They think so too LOL

    I am so glad you are mingling – you do an excellent job – your voice is so crisp and clear and you present yourself so nicely!

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