MTV and Fox Dance Show Crossover

I love dance shows. I know that comes as a shock due to the fact that I am uncoordinated, overweight and out of shape but love them. I watch everything from ballet to ball room (and I mean real ballroom, not just Dancing with the Stars) to the pop dance shows. I am one of those people who can’t do but can critique;).

So I just found out today that America’s Best Dance Crew had started its new season so I tivo’ed it. Imagine my surprise when I saw the Quest Crew. They have 2 members who were very memorable on So You Think You Can Dance, Hok and Dominic. The crew itself has even danced on So You Think You Can Dance. Of course their crew rocked it!

So any of you who loved Dominic and Hok go watch America’s Best Dance Crew!

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