My 1st GF Baking Project

For those of you who haven’t heard, NerdDad and I have given up wheat. But I am missing baked goods!!! So I am now searching out cookies and breads and the like!

Luckily my friend Megan at the Gluten-Free Project has gone before me. So this week I made her Gluten Free Oatmeal-Raisin Chip Cookies. They were so good!!! I found the batter a little thinner but they were still yummy! Check it out and let her know that I sent you;).

One thought on “My 1st GF Baking Project”

  1. wow, I will have to keep tabs on your GF foods. My daughter has had belly issues for about a year now. So stressful because it hasn’t gotten better. Being at college she hasn’t done well at changing her meals. Sigh…

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