My Family Christmas Book and Memories Review

I love Christmas but not really the commercial side. I feel we need to focus more on Christ and also on family traditions. So I was thrilled to receive a copy of My Family Christmas Book and Memories to review!

This is the ultimate Christmas book to have on hand. It is a 3 ring binder and has convenient tabs for easy access. The sections include Advent, Christmas Reading & Prayers, Kids Craft Ideas and more. They give you the years that carols were written and all the words we can’t always remember;). There are places to help you plan out your Christmas and write in the details of what happened for prosperity!

I love this book because it helps to focus on what is really important about Christmas! Christ! I think this will end up being the book we pull out and read from every year as a family.

(This post was written forĀ Family Review Network & My Family Christmas Book who provided the complimentary product for review in exchange for my honest review)

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