My Love Affair with Jasmine Tea

Years ago, when I was pregnant with the NerdBug I went to a tea service at the Fairmont in San Jose. That was the first time I had Jasmine tea and it was divine. Later that year a friend of mine gave me a couple boxes of Jasmine Tea she had received as a freebie with all her Chinese Takeout. Well since then when I am really stressed or sick I will have a nice hot cup of Jasmine tea. Well, since I am once again going completely caffine free (thanks to Baby #4) I have been making a variety of ice teas. For the first time I made Jasmine Ice Tea and it is wonderful. Now, how I make ice tea is to add a “family” decaf tea bag and 4 herbal teas. Ok, maybe flavored is the better term because I can’t have any of those off herbs. It is great. The tea has a mild sweet taste with mild minty under tones. Now I just have to find a new source. I am almost out of my freebies but I can’t really track it. Most of the writing is in Chinese. So I am on the search for affordable, yummy Jasmine Tea and I am open to suggestions.

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