Potato Mashers and Kids

Potato mashers and kids may seem like an odd combination but they are a match made in heaven.

I have been wanting to get my kids into the kitchen with me more. And I don’t mean in the teaching way but a way that might actually help. Well, it appears all I needed was to be making recipes that need a potato masher!
Monday I got my 6 year old in the kitchen and she had a ball! First, we made guacamole. I cut them open, took out the pits and showed her how to scoop out the meat with a big spoon. Then she mashed! And mashed! Then I took the masher from her, sprinkled in the mix and handed her a spoon (yes, I said mix;). Then we made banana bread. I had 2 hands of bananas that were perfectly dark brown! So I dumped them into 2 big bowls and she mashed them all up for me while I did dishes!
This was a great success! If you are looking for a way to get your kid into the kitchen try a recipe that needs something mashed!

One thought on “Potato Mashers and Kids”

  1. That's a great idea! Master One loves squeezing the juice out of oranges, and I bet he'd looove mashing bananas for banana bread!

    Thanks for joining us for KCT – sorry I'm so late in getting back to you!

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