Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the May 25, 2007 edition of carnival of pregnancy. Just to give everyone an update. I don’t have much longer! My C-section is June 13th. Due to pregnancy related issues I am on bedrest so here is your brief carnival.

Kendra Dahlstrom presents The Great Doula Search posted at, saying, “Most pregnant women know what happens during a vaginal birth, but do they know what happens during a cesarean? This article dissects a c-section to educate mothers and fathers.”

Manos Peglis presents Detailed Week By Week Guide To Pregnancy posted at Pregnancy Symptoms.

Leticia Velasquez presents Find the courage within yourself to achieve greatness posted at cause of our joy.

Hueina Su presents Journey into Love posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, saying, “Motherhood has been an absolutely amazing journey for me. This post is my reflections on Mother’s Day. It’s my small token of appreciation and inspiration for all mothers.”

Stephanie presents Remembering Pregnancy posted at Stop the Ride!.

Fun Facts Other

Julie Heath – More4kids Inc. presents Changes in the Ninth Month of Pregnancy posted at Julie Heath – More4kids Inc..

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy using our carnival submission form. Past posts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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