Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the Pregnancy Carnival! First up is this cute film I found on YouTube. It is only 20 seconds so check it out.

Now on to the submissions!

First up Dana at Principled Discovery has a Joyous Announcement. Let me just say congrats and prayers for you new little one on the way. Rdoctor asks High Blood pressure in pregnancy, what’s to worry about? Looking further into science, BioTech talks about Genetic Markers For Predicting Premature Childbirth. Then for those of us who have ever needed to be on bedrest, Let’s Talk Babies has the answers for When You are Stuck on Bed Rest. Then a little wisdom for when that blessing gets here. Frugal Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Warehouse takes on De-Bunking of Baby Food as Necessity.

That wraps up this Carnival! Please go to BlogCarnival to submit an article for our next Carnival on October 5th. Then come back here and read it!

Related Tags: Carnival, Pregnancy, Motherhood, Babies, Expecting Mothers

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