Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the Pregnancy Carnival! I invite you to look around and read the great articles but first, I have an announcement.
The NerdFamily is expecting!

So onto the carnival. We only have a couple of entries but they are good. First is a touching article from Chris Gribble, Infertility article – Year One. Then Lisa over at Let’s Talk Babies has a great article on Blood Pressurethat is a must read.

I also found a few interesting things. First is the Ovulation Watch.

I am not advocating this, the price was just part of the picture. So this monitor the chemistry on your skin and you wear it when you sleep. Very interesting. Then Crystal over at TailFeathers has an interesting post on Pregnancy Dreams. This is how she figured out she was pregnant and would like input on your own experience. Then Pregnancy has an interesting post on Mother’s stress and how it may slow baby’s growth in the womb.

That wraps up this Carnival. If you would like to submit an article go over to BlogCarnival and fill out a simple form. Please come back November 3rd for the next Carnival!

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