Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to this week’s Pregnancy Carnival. We have some interesting entries so lets jump right in!

First, we start with A Long Day Comes to a Peaceful End by Loni at Joy in the Morning. She shares a long day of tests and ultrasounds for her little baby on the way. Then Janine at BaptistHomeschooling shares her story about Due in 5 Days!!

Then Birth Ecology Project has a heart warming article on the Circle of Midwives. Lisa at Let’s Talk Babies has a necessary article on Packing for the Hospital. This is a must read.

Next we have a couple of articles that are must reads in preparation for bringing your little one home. APMFormulators has an article, Parents Who Study Pediatrics…Naturally, to help parents learn what is needed for the health of our kids. Then Wenchpoo offers her article What About the Babies? It is an interesting article on baby food.

This brings us to the end of this weeks carnival. Please read all the articles and let the authors know what you think. Then come back on Nov 17th for the next edition. Please go over to BlogCarnival and enter your article!

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