Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the January 26, 2007 edition of carnival of pregnancy.

Kate Baggott presents Resist the Advertising posted at Babylune, saying, “Warning to the newest mothers: resist the hype and don’t even think about dieting until you’re six weeks postpartum.”

Lisa Mitchell presents Getting Pregnant – Tracking Ovulation posted at Let’s Talk Babies.

Rory Sullivan presents Story Of A First Birth – Not Exactly According To Plan posted at hamelife, saying, “It only takes five little words for all the plans to go out the window.”

Loni presents This Pregnant Body – 30 Weeks – How Many To Go?!?! posted at Joy in the Morning.

Julie Heath – More4kids Inc. presents Preparing For Birth – A Mommy And Daddy Checklist posted at Julie Heath – More4kids Inc..

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy
using our
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