
Yesterday I wanted to make something yummy for dessert but I am out of chocolate chips (Gasp! Shocking I know;). I am trying to use up all my “desserty” pantry ingredients before I buy another big bag of chocolate chips from Costco. My other challenge is that I only have 3 eggs right now. While that would be more than I would need to make the box of brownies or cake mix I have in the pantry. I really don’t like being out of eggs;).

This recipe is super easy and doesn’t call for eggs! My Better Homes and Gardens cookbook calls them Sandies but I could swear that they taste a lot like these cookies I used to get as a kid that I think were Mexican Wedding Cookies. But anyway, they were quick and a big hit with everyone. Not overly sweet but the perfect treat when you want a little something without chocolate.
1 cup butter
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon water
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup sifted powdered sugar
Cream your butter then add your granulated sugar and continue to blend. Then add the water and the vanilla, blend completely. Then blend flour into the mixture in batches. If it get too thick for your mixer, continue by hand (I did everything with my stand mixer). After all the flour is incorporated add the pecans and blend those in too. Scoop balls that are about 1 inch (the smallest of the 3 Pampered Chef scoops) and place on the cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for 19 minutes or until the bottoms just start to turn golden. Remove to a rack to cool completely. Then put cooled cookies into a plastic bag with the powdered sugar and toss. Then eat!
Makes about 3 dozen.

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