0 thoughts on “Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes”

  1. I LOVE a good shoe sale! but when I find one, it is usually NOT my size..*sigh* The classic look is nice…
    There is a high heel insert, have you tried those?
    Thanks for mingling!

    Your blue shoes sound fantastic!
    Ugh, I’m sorry your feet hurt…:(
    Ahh the sacrifices we make for cute shoes…:)

  2. Darn those pregnancies for changing our feet. I too have had to part with pre-pregnancy shoes. Sorry your Sweet Nine West shoes got ruined. Bummer. Have your tried Zappos for shoes? (zappos.com) You can type in the size, width,shoe style, and PRICE RANGE and it shows what’s available. I have wide feet so it’s hard to find something at normal shoes stores. Hope it helps 🙂

  3. I do not like wearing heals. Ugg. I have so many different sizes from when I was pregnatn, I bet I could get rid of a few pairs of shoes. I do LOVE Tennis Shoes.

    Oh I love a good bargain on shoes too. Yeah saving money.

  4. LOL! Ha! I love shoes. “If I didn’t have to wear them that would be even better.”

    Oh No, not orthotics? Icky. I was reaworried at the start when you said you had only 12 pairs or something. For a moment there I thought – oh man, I am crazy if I have 20 – 25 pairs. Whew thank goodness you qualified that.

    Good to mingle with you.


  5. Your story had me remembering my wedding.. I picked these great white wedding shoes.. loved em. I still have them packed somewhere. However they killed my feet! I spent my entire reception, barefoot. 🙂

  6. In that I wear them, yes, shoe person. Not a collector though. I don’t do heels. It is a disaster waiting to happen and did. For my wedding the seamstress didn’t hem my dress enough and I had to borrow heels from my sister. And tripped in my train. Oh well. Stopped by from Hip Homeschool Hop to say hi today!

  7. It is a bummer that feet don’t get smaller when we lose weight! I’m glad that there is someone with less shoes than me. 🙂

    It sounds like you would like Crocs.com shoes. I love their Malindi style; it looks cute, washes in the sink, and is comfortable!

    Oh – cheap shoes-yes! I scored a pair of Mudd shoes from the thrift shop for $3.00 – awesome!

    At least you didn’t pay full price for the shoes you puked on! It’s still sad…

    Have a great week!

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