Study X Review

Helping kids study can always be a challenge and so can finding good software! That is why we are always looking for that perfect mix. So I was excited to try the Study X software for my kids.

Study X has various games and mazes that are tied into a question and answer program. The games stop at different points and then need you to answer to go on. Study X comes preloaded with lots of vocabulary and concepts but you can always add your own with a spreadsheet. We are planning on adding Latin vocab and Egyptian history to ours because that is what we are specifically studying right now.

So the analysis. It is ok… You don’t have any kind of accounting. The records count all answers from any person. That isn’t a deal breaker but as a mom, it is hard to track. The games are low level and are not well integrated with the question system. But my favorite feature is that you can set a system quiz. That mean you can set questions that pop up every so often regardless of the game you are playing. You must answer them to go back to whatever you were doing before. The only way to stop it is to enter a password.

Overall, there is great promise in this program. I would love to see it developed out further! It is ok and does well with my kids. But I think someone who is looking for entertainment in the studying might lose interest. As far as quizzing, it does a great job. It has a full database of vocab and the ability to customize, so its quizzing potential is unlimited!

This post was written for Family Review Network & StudyX who provided the complimentary product in exchange for my honest review

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