Tag Archives: Beverages

Starbucks Secrets and Deals

First, the deal! Starbucks is bringing back the Happy Hour deal. According to their website the is happening May 6th-May13th but according to signs at my local Starbucks & people I know who needed a fix today, here it started today! The Happy Hour special is 1/2 price Frappucinos from 3pm-5pm.

Now the secret;). And it may be a really good secret;). It is the Starbucks secret menu, one that employees may look at oddly if you were to order off of;). I may have to go in and order 1 of these drinks just to see if it works!

via That's Nerdalicious

Blood Orange Sorbet Cocktail

So a couple of weeks ago I wanted dessert and a drink and couldn’t justify having both so I made the perfect combo! It was super easy and sweet like dessert.

2 small scoops of Ciao Bella Blood Orange Sorbet
1 1/2 ounces Vodka
1 1/2 ounces Trop 50 Red Orange juice
Whipped Cream

Blend! I use one of those single drink blender like a Bullet. Then pour it into a glass and top with a little whipped cream. Ok, the whipped cream isn’t necessary but I love whipped cream;).

Enjoy and drink responsibly!