Thank You

I just want to thank all my readers for your love, support and prayers through this trying time. I am physically feeling much better. I am just a little sore and have to remember not to over do it (this has been a struggle;). Emotionally, I am doing ok. I know that God has a plan and loves me, that helps immensely. I was so worried about how the kids would handle it but they are all doing fine. The day after I lost the baby Nerdpie told me in a very excited voice that the baby got to go see Jesus. That purity of spirit is such a beautiful gift, though I am ashamed that my daughter is more selfless than I. It has amazed me to see the outpouring of support from the blogging community. This is the great thing about blogging. We can come together to support and pray for those we have never met in person. I feel a kinship with you all. Hopefully, things will start getting back to normal, both in the house and on the blog;). Talk to you all soon!

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