The Best and the Worst of Me

This week’s Monthly Mingle looks at what I would love to review, what animal I would be and both the best and worst of me;). Yes, I know. I need to find a new angle to film at. I need to play around and find a good spot to put my camera.

0 thoughts on “The Best and the Worst of Me”

  1. Hey,
    did my 1st monday mingle. check out my camera angle, I look like a convict. I don’t like to start projects I won’ finish either. I don’t like cleaning at all. Maybe I should tell hubby I don’t want to start it cuz I won’t be able to finish. thanks for mingling.

  2. I don’t think I’ve heard of the eye makeup remover pads or eye cream! Hmm!

    Whoa! See, okay… that’s the 2nd time in the past week that I’ve heard perfectionism on this level. I just reviewed Hoarders on DVD on my blog {not a plug btw} and I was saying how I’m a firm believer that just because your surroundings may not look “perfect” does not make you any less of a perfectionist. I’m a complete perfectionist – does my home look like Martha Stewart’s? Heck no! It’s a frustrating thing for me too.

    Have a great week!

  3. Wow! You are right.
    If you believe you can do it, you can!
    i think your best quality is your smile, I like it.
    Thanks for smiling when you mingle.

    I wish I was a perfectionist. Maybe my house would be cleaner…:) *sigh*

  4. I would have never thought of myself as a perfectionist.. but have realized lately the true meaning of it. That is totally me.. I completely stress over such small things that I just end up not doing anything at all. One thing I try to do now is just focus on one area at a time.. one small area.. even if it is one counter. It is a work in progress.

    Great Mingle! Love getting to know you!

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