The Kid Perspective

This week has been a collection of cuteness from the NerdBug. When my 3rd child was born (9 months ago), upon seeing him, the NerdBug loudly declared that we would have another baby in the future and that it would be a girl. Periodically since then NerdBug has asked when we are going to have another baby. Well, for those of you who don’t’ know, baby #4 is on the way. This means a lot of morning sickness (well actually, all day sickness). So yesterday NerdBug was asking why I was eating something different than the rest of the family for lunch. I tell him that when I am pregnant, mommy’s stomach can feel sick so I eat different things so it feels better. So today we are at Costco and I decide to pick up lunch for everyone. I get my self a turkey hye roller and a pizza for everyone else. As we are making our way out NerdBug very loudly proclaims, “You aren’t having pizza because you don’t want to share with the baby in your tummy!”. I look around and there were people at 3 different tables just cracking up. Oh well, who can deny that he is very cute?

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