The Perfect Baby Handbook: Review & Giveaway

The day I got a pre-release copy of The Perfect Baby Handbook: A Guide for Excessively Motivated Parents I was in serious need of levity. Lucky for me I got it! This book is a refreshing mockery of all the “how to get the perfect kid” talk we here and read. Now I will admit I sometimes try a little to hard to get the perfect kids but sometimes I need to be reminded to take it easy. All to soon these kiddos will be grown so lets find the humor! This book was so funny. I laughed so hard my eyes were watering.

Walk into any bookstore and you’ll encounter a ludicrous number of “expert” baby-rearing manuals. Although The Perfect Baby Handbook provides a solid foundation, it goes without saying that you’ll need to read them all. A sampling:

* Are You My Mother and, If So, Must You Slouch Like That?
* Infants and Their Little Anxiety Attacks
* No Ifs, Ands, or Buts: How to Parent Without Using Certain Grammatical Constructions
* Throat Lozenges of the Baby Whisperer
* 10,001 Great Baby Names Selfish Celebrities Have Already Snapped Up
* The No-Cry-from-4:01-to-4:03-a.m. Solution
* The Obviously Gifted Child: A Guide to Spotting Glaring Brilliance
* Layettes of the Aztec Kings
* What to Expect When the Word “Expect” Becomes Meaningless
* Because You’re a Terrible Daddy Who Just Smoked a Gigantic Joint
* Creating Insecurities in Your Baby—So He Can Triumphantly Overcome Them
* The Tale of Peter Rabbit’s Unfortunate Speech Impediment
* An Angel Fell Out of the Sky and Landed in Our Nursery, Slightly Injuring Our Baby

Win it!
Wants some more humor? Well, you can win your own copy of The Perfect Baby Handbook: A Guide for Excessively Motivated Parents? Well I have 5 copies to giveaway!

To enter:

* Just give me a moment of hilarity from your own parenting experiences.
* A random winner will be selected and notified on April 4th.
* The winner will then have 3 days to claim their prize.

To earn extra entries, you may do one or all of the following. Each one counts as an extra ticket but you must leave a separate comment for each one.

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This giveaway is open to addresses within the US. Please leave a way to contact you in case you win.

If you want to see more giveaways pop over to Making Money Keeping Money to see more giveaways on Contesting Monday!

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