The Value of High Price College

When people hear that I am homeschooling my kids I am often asked about their futures. “Will they be able to get into a good college?” What are we looking for in “good colleges”? Georgetown University was what I would have considered a “good college” when I was looking at schools. Well, now this college founded as a Christian school has kicked out all Evangelical Christian groups. The Jewish and Muslim student groups have been allowed to stay but the Christian groups are too evangelical.

The brush-off letter from the university starts: “Blessings and may God’s peace be upon you!” but deteriorates shortly later to: “Protestant Ministry has decided to move in another direction.”

As a result, Georgetown said, “Your ministries will no longer be allowed to hold any activity or presence (i.e. bible (sic) studies, retreats with Georgetown students, Mid-week (sic) worship services, fellowship events, move-in assistance, SAC Fair, etc.) on campus.”

Further, the school told the ministry organizations, “All websites linking your ministries to a presence at Georgetown University will need to be modified to reflect the terminated relationship. Your ministries are not to publicize in any literature, media, advertisement, etc. that Georgetown University is or will be an active ministry site for your ministry/church/denomination.”

Yes, so I need to spend all this money so my kids can go across the nation, be isolated and then have a group that tries to strip them fellowship with other believers? I don’t think so. These east coast schools are going to show such extreme partiality against anything Christian or conservative that no one on the right will go to them. Unfotunately, this illness is spreading to universities around the nation. But, if my kids are in the same area at least you will know that they have a support structure to combat this craziness.

(HT: SpunkyHomeschool)

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