Top Chef 3/19: Live Blog

I will date the episodes based on when they are first shown (I Tivo is and watch it when ever I want;). I am doing this in the “as it comes to me” format so forgive lack of flow.

So the contestants had 30 minutes at the farmers market in Chicago. Was anyone else surprised at how rude Mark was at the market? Maybe they all were but the show showed him. So it didn’t surprise me went he left his bag behind and no one called out to him or caught up with him. As someone who shops with kids and everything, I have had people at markets make sure I have my stuff. It would shock me to see a vendor with it on his wrist and not call out to me but, when you don’t treat the vendor with respect?? I was also shocked that Whylie gave Mark credit for working around a forgotten item. But I saw Mark as complaining so that food must have been really go to win the Quick Fire.

(23 minutes in)Team Bear worrying about decor at the store? Focus on the food!

(About 25 minute in)Erik not knowing about all the cool tech toys? Watch more Food Network, I know about immersion circulators and I am a home cook.

(26 minutes in) Valerie is really crowding the pan, I don’t think those blinis will turn out for immediate consumption much less transport. They already look to thick and a little over done for transport.

(27:27 minute in) Those are nasty looking Stuffed Mushrooms. While food can taste good even if they look bad, I won’t even try it if I don’t know the person cooking. That would be a taste risk I wouldn’t try;).

(28 minutes in)Wow, it looked like no one was ready for time to be up.

(34 minutes in) Antonia is totally separating herself from Valerie’s blinis but she was willing to jump in and help fix Stephanie’s dish with her own idea.

(36 minutes in) What was that penguin on the table made from?

(37:20 minute in) I want that Moroccan Lamb Meatball.

(38 minute in) I think Nikki offered that Mushroom just to put Dale up for that bad dish. It would have been easy enough to just tell the judges that they got pulled.

(50 minutes in) It is like no one thought that a “garnish” would effect the taste. It was pecorino cheese, in addition to the cheese flavor there is a lot of salt in that.

(50 minutes in) Is it obvious to anyone else that this batch is going to fight for themselves in judging?

Technorati Tags: Top Chef, Reality TV, Food TV

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