Top Chef Recap 10/14

So it took me a bit to get around to watching Top Chef this week so let us jump right in! We are really starting to thin the herd. I agree with a few of the cheftestants that I am also shocked that Robin is still here. Will she make it another week?

Quickfire Challenge:
As we head into the kitchen we see Padma with some funky white boots! We also find our guest judge is Charlie Palmer. Both Bryan and Michael have previously worked with him. The Quickfire Challenge is on pairings. They have to pair a snack food (that they have all been eating in the house) with a dish. The onion snack seemed to be very popular. Jennifer was really hard on herself that her pork chop was a little to done. Chef Parker’s least favorite were Robin, Ash, and Jennifer. The top were Eli, Bryan, and Kevin. The winner was Eli.
Elimination Challenge:
There is a knife pull! The knives have wild, cheeks, rib, tenderloin, butt, belly, center cut chops, shoulder, and leg with pigs on them. Jennifer got wild so she got to pick what she wanted. They had to pair pig and pinot noir. They had to eat make 150 tasting portions. They all go meet up with the wine guy! The all tasted 9 different ones. Then they had to choose a type. Then onto Whole Foods to shop.
Then back at the ranch;). Robin is driving quite a few people nuts. Eli and Robin get into a nice little yelling fight. Now back to the kitchen!
You see a definite competitiveness between the brothers, especially since they both worked for Parker. Ash decided to do a chilled pork loin so he doesn’t have to worry about it being over done by service. Mike I is making a Lebanese dish that is individual portions so we will see if he can get it all out. The 2 pork belly dishes with Jennifer and Eli will make this interesting. Michael is messing with his brother Bryan and trying to knock him off. And then we get to service.

Michael: Root Beer braised Pork Cheek
Ash: Chilled Pork Tenderloin
Eli: Braised Pork Belly
Kevin: Pork Leg Pate
Mike I: Stuffed Pork Shoulder
Bryan: Braised Pork Spare Rib
Jennifer: Braised Pork Belly
Laurine: Pork Butt Rillettes
Robin: Brined Center Cut Pork Chop
Ash’s pork was a bit over cooked and salty. They loved Michael’s dish. Eli’s pork was good along with his carrots that were also braised. Parker thought the dish was good but the pairing wasn’t. Tom thought that Kevin’s pate was smart. They thought the orange in Mike’s yogurt was over powering. Bryan’s was a bit hit. Jennifer’s pork belly was well seasoned and well pair with the wine. Laurine’s rillette was equated to cat food by one of the judges and no on really seemed to like it. Robin’s dish seemed to have been robbed of the pork flavor and had to much coffee.
Judges Table:
Going into judging it looks like Robin and Laurine are on the bottom. First up to judges table is Michael, Bryan, Kevin and Jennifer. They really liked the lightness of Jennifer’s pork belly. Tobey said that she had the first European pinot and it was the difference between a shaved arm pit and a hairy one. He said she had some of those hairy flavors in the sauce that brought out the earthy flavors. Tobey is an odd duck. They loved all of the flavor pairings. The winner was Kevin. Kevin got invited to be a guest chef at the 2010 pigs and pinot event. Then the judges wanted to see Ash, Laurine and Robin. Robin said she stood by her dish. Tobey said the meat was to thin and Tom said the sauce was weird and gummy. Ash was a little surprised to be there. Tom said that he didn’t develop the flavors. Ash said how he changed his dish. Everyone said his first dish sounded great. Tobey said Laurine’s tasted like a hash. Parker asked her how she did it and the first thing she said was chicken stock. Then Parker said that wasn’t how you make a rillette, you poach it in fat. I have to say that I have been shocked that all three of these have lasted this long. But in the end it was Ash’s turn to go home.
This week is Restaurant Wars!!!! This is going to be fun!!! See you all soon!

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