Viagra: The New Weapon in the War on Terror

Yes, I said Viagra. It only took 4 Viagra to bribe an Afghan chieftain. I think we are all familiar with the fact that the CIA sends in agents to find informants. And the fact those “assets” aren’t giving us information out of the goodness of their hearts but due to some payoff be it money, women, or weapons. But that can have it’s downside.

The usual bribes of choice — cash and weapons — aren’t always the best options, Afghanistan veterans say. Guns too often fall into the wrong hands, they say, and showy gifts such as money, jewelry and cars tend to draw unwanted attention.

“If you give an asset $1,000, he’ll go out and buy the shiniest junk he can find, and it will be apparent that he has suddenly come into a lot of money from someone,” said Jamie Smith, a veteran of CIA covert operations in Afghanistan and now chief executive of SCG International, a private security and intelligence company. “Even if he doesn’t get killed, he becomes ineffective as an informant because everyone knows where he got it.”

The key, Smith said, is to find a way to meet the informant’s personal needs in a way that keeps him firmly on your side but leaves little or no visible trace.

In this case it was a 60 year old man with 4 wives. It took 4 little sample pills and he was ours. I am cool with this because they can’t shoot us with our own weapons or really do us any harm with bribes like this. And maybe they will share and the enemy will be, how do I say, otherwise engaged;)?

(HT: Neatorama)

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