For this week’s Works For Me Wednesday Shannon asked what brands we are loyal to. You know we all have those things that we are willing to spend a little more on. Here in the NerdFamily household we have quite a few. We are loyal to some things just for the taste such as JIF peanut butter, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and Best Foods mayonnaise. Some things are because they work better for us like SpeedStick (for both NerdDad and myself) and Aveeno skin products. I also have a few household things that just work better overall. Ziploc bags are one of my big indulgences because the bag is thicker and the zipper is stronger. I also really like Dow’s Scrubbing Bubbles. None of the generics or other brands seem to work as well.
So even though I try to be frugal we definitely have specific tastes. I have found that if I balance shopping on the sales matched with coupons (and rebates from Walgreens) the prices can be very manageable.
So where do your loyalties lay?