10 thoughts on “What I Learned at BlogHer 2011”

  1. Hi!
    I am new to your blog, and a newbie blogger. I appreciate the post on what you learned at BlogHer2011. I can so relate to so many of the things you shared. I have more than one blog; one is recipes the other is just thoughts I need to get out of my head.
    (my other blog is http://www.myblessedlife-lulabelle.blogspot.com). For awhile I was afraid to share my thoughts, ideas and writings via a blog for fear of criticism and rejection. Now I am overcoming the fear of being transparent. I think I’m kinda like Popeye in regards to;
    ” I yam what I yam”. Congratulations on your opportunity to be a part of BlogHer! I look forward to connecting with you !


  2. You go girl!! I hope you keep the momentum going. I feel the same way about blogging and vlogging and I am trying sooo hard to be more authentic. Can’t wait to see what you do!

    No makeup? You look awesome!

  3. Thank you all so much!!!

    Gena, I have another vlog I am posting tonight;). And the fake eyelashes were a kick! Skinny Cow was having them done at their booth!

  4. Jackie, you are one of the most vibrant,sparkling women I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. You do an awesome Vlog & you aren’t too shabby at the written word either 🙂

    can’t wait to see you again! 🙂

  5. Oh, wow! Great vlog!
    I attended BlogHer, too…but I’m still trying to get up the nerve to do a Vlog with more than just a voice over 😉

    I learned so much and came back with a renewed vigor to better my blog and to take it to the next step. Thanks for your words of encouragement at the end 🙂

  6. What you said is very true – you are a lot of fun to talk to in person (yes, we met) and a lot of that does come across in your blog 🙂

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