14 Years Ago Today…

14 years ago today I married the love of my life. I couldn’t understand why such a sweet, brilliant and Godly man would want to marry a mess like me. I still don’t;). But I am happy he did.

I was so worried that he would regret it that I told him on the way to get married that if he changed his mind I wouldn’t be angry. How sad am I?

So here we sit, 14 years later with 4 kids, 2 houses, a minivan and very much in love! I am so grateful that God brought us together and has blessed us with this wonderful marriage. I am grateful that we are like minded on so many things yet different on others. Thank you for being the love of my life and being my best friend. Thank you for being the spiritual leader of our home and showing me God in so many ways.

Honey, it has been a wonderful 14 years and I look forward to another 100!

If you all are real good, someday I will tell you about chasing down the mailman to get my birth certificate so we could get married;).

(Finger Print Friday)

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