0 thoughts on “Doing for Others, Doing for Fun and Parents!”

  1. Wow. Aeronautical what? You must have been super good at math. Lucky. And the zoo? We’re lucky if we get there once every three years or so…
    Nice to meet you 🙂

  2. I still read now but not as often as I used to. Then when I do find time to read it seems I speed read them as I am worried I won’t know when I have time to sit down and finish the book.

  3. This Wednesday is National Family Game Night – you should block out some time to play!

    Hubby and I never went on a zoo date either. Our son isn’t crazy about the zoo which made me kind of sad actually.

    It’s nice that you have found so many nice things to have taken away from your parents 🙂

    You really don’t seem “dweeby” by the way.

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