Ebay Holiday Shopping & Wishing

It isn’t even actually December yet and I am already overwhelmed with shopping!!!

Not so much the money side (I am pretty good about watching my pennies) but about figuring out what to get everyone!!! And when I start looking at present material I need to either write lists or save bookmarks. I love surf and find those quirky, specific gifts but if I don’t bookmark them I will never remember exactly what is what (to many thoughts in my head;). Ugh!

Well, eBay seems to have made a solution. They have created a Facebook list making app!!! You can make lists (hidden from those they are from) and get gift recommendations too. You need to go make a list too because they are doing a daily giveaway for people who make a wish list!!!

I hit the eBay Holiday Gift Guide and found 10 great gifts that might make it to someone on my list this year (and no, I am not telling you who;).

So many great gifts. Hopefully, one of this have inspired you.  And remember that eBay also has a mobile app so you can access your list and shop while you are out and about too!!! So what are you still doing here? Go make a wish list!!!

(Disclosure: I want to thank Splash Creative Media for paying me to write this post on behalf of eBay)


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