For Today (11/16) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window the son is shining brightly.
I am thinking of how I need to make my Christmas to do list!
I am thankful for the cuddliness of my kids!
From the learning rooms: We are starting the week off with our KinderBach, then Bible Study and Math. I hope to do some Thanksgiving projects with the kids too!
From the kitchen I am going to make burritos for the freezer out of homemade refried beans.
I am wearing comfy sweats.
I am creating a fun Christmas gift for the NerdPie!
I am going to run a few errands with the kids and get my free wipes at Target.
I am hoping to get stuff done!
I am hearing my dear husband getting the kids up.
One of my favorite things is Christmas music.
A few plans for the rest of the week: get the MOPS newsletter out, modify my blog design, clean the house up a bit!
(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

0 thoughts on “For Today (11/16) from NerdMom’s Daybook”

  1. My daughter is on my mind today. She is only 15 and lives about 1000 miles away from me and in the hospital fighting for her life. I am wondering why it is so difficult for her to accept the fact that she has diabetes. The acceptance alone could save her life.

  2. Wow, what a great daybook entry! I felt right at home…thanks! BUrritos with homemade refried beans sound super tasty! Free wipes are my favorite kind…LOL! Have a wonderful week and enjoy your Thanksgiving porjects!

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