For Today (11/23) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is still a little grey.
I am thinking about the gift and challenge of homeschooling.
I am thankful for the healing we seem to be having from the stomach bug.
From the learning rooms we will be taking it easy. Just Thanksgiving books and fun!
From the kitchen I am planning on making a chocolate pecan pie for Thanksgiving, as per NerdBug’s request.
I am wearing sweats and a tee. How I love comfy clothes!
I am working on a report for my MOPS steering team meeting and some giveaways that are coming.
I am going to my Mother-in-Law’s for Thanksgiving!
I am reading (well hoping to) all the holiday magazines I have: Real Simple and Woman’s Day.
I am hoping to have fun and get bargains at Black Friday!
I am hearing Christmas music.
Around the house I need to disinfect the bathrooms and change all the sheets now that the puking has slowed.
One of my favorite things is the Christmas Season!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing is last year’s tree.

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

0 thoughts on “For Today (11/23) from NerdMom’s Daybook”

  1. That pie sounds fantastic. I will try to find a recipe. I hope you enjoy your family and friends this Thanksgiving. I'm glad you are getting over the stomach bug. Nausea goes with the chronic illnesses that I deal with by the grace of God. You have a beautiful tree. Have a wonderful time at your mother in law's. I no longer have one. Mine went to be with the Lord about 12 yrs ago. Doylene

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