0 thoughts on “It’s Summertime and the Living is Easy”

  1. Your salads sound good!! I do a lot of stove top cooking! I am going to check out your food blog – you can check out mine at: http://blahtota-daa.blogspot.com/

    I post on Tuesday’s!

    Have a great week – hope that you are able to stay cool and have fun with school – we are not starting back until the middle of August.

  2. Kids love the beach, don’t they? I took mine for the first time last year and they loved it. Yummmmmm strawberry salad with poppy seed dressing sounds so delish! Have a wonderful week.

  3. Hello!

    Oh it is SO hot here too – I am all about keeping cool inside.

    Oh boy, your kids have a short summer!

    OOOOH your salad sounds amazing. I have never had a salad with strawberries before. Yum!

    I love your ideas about the meals, and keeping meats in the refrigerator for future meals. I am all about keeping it simple and easy!

    Thanks so much for mingling : )

  4. That salad sounds perfect. And I’ll take your hot weather! It’s finally warm here and I love it. Mostly. It won’t last long enough and it is too hot in my apartment but LOVE being outside in this weather!

    Have a great week!
    ~ Alyna

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