Life Verse

I have always heard a lot of talk of a “life verse” within the Christian community. I must admit, I always thought it was hooey when I was a kid. The verse people picked were usually because of 1 life altering incident but never really seemed applicable to their whole life. Well, I am reversing my previous position. The year I was married to NerdDad I found my life verse. It is Romans 8:28(NIV version here):

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

It has always helped me remember that God is bigger than the junk and jerks in our lives. It is also important for me to remember that God is also bigger than the good and ourselves in our lives. So when you are asking why or think you have it all handled, remember that God has had it all planned and handled from the beginning. Read the rest of the chapter if you get a chance, it is life changing.
(HT: With Reckless Abandon)

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