A Look at Alice Through the Looking Glass

The Nerdpie and I were so excited to get a chance to check out the preview of Alice Through the Looking Glass this week! So come take a quick look at what we thoguht!


I came into Alice Through the Looking Glass having seen the first installment, Alice in Wonderland. I enjoyed the first movie quite a bit. The Tim Burton look was really fascinating and I found the story a bit more compelling than usual adaptions. Based on what I knew of Alice Through the Looking Glass, I walked in expecting to be wowed visually, through the acting, and the plot.

I brought my 12 year old with me to the preview this week. She came from an entirely different experience. She hadn’t seen the first installment but she had read both books and loved them. Which means she came in with some specific book nerd expectations (that we can all relate too). I asked her before the movie began what her expectations were based on the commercials. She said that she expected more of a theme in the movie than there was in the book. She knew they were introducing Time as a character and she knew that more characters would recognize Alice. Apparently in the book she just wandered around in the second book, fairly unknown.

So how did is measure up?

We both really liked it! My expectations were totally met. The acting was quirky and great. I don’t know that I can watch anyone else as the Red Queen or the Mad Hatter. Even Tweedles are just perfect in this roles;). The look of the entire movie was also exquisite. The colors, costumes and background match the unique and vibrant story.

I also really loved the plot. It takes us to a world where Alice is older but still a relatively young adult. She is dealing with family, disappointment, the future, and time at the toll it takes on her life. And then she goes to Wonderland.

So what did Nerdpie think? Here is her 2 cents!


I went to see Through the Looking Glass thinking that it would be like the book but it really wasn’t. I think that the only thing that they really kept was the name and the fact that Alice went through a looking glass. I really loved it but it’s not what I expected at all. I think that I would have better understood the begining if I had seen the first movie but I still got most of the content. I loved that they talked more about Alice’s life! In the book all you know about her is that she sat down after tea-time and she is a girl named Alice. But in the movies they talk more about her and who she is, which I really loved.I loved that the most because it had a plot where in the book it is just getting her home and there is nothing else on the plot line. The movie is all inter connected and that is the kind of movie I love!

(Disclosure: We received an opportunity to view the movie for free in order to give our honest thoughts. All thoughts and opinions are ours alone!)

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