My First Friday Five

So I found this meme over at Friday5. This isn’t always a food meme but this week’s was so I thought I would answer it over here!

  1. Besides plain, what’s your favorite way to eat an apple? One of my favorites are these mini-apple pies. They aren’t the standard because they have cream cheese in them. I lost my recipe but I promised NerdDad that I would create a new one! The other thing is homemade apple sauce! It is great in oatmeal.
  2. Besides plain, what’s your favorite way to eat berries? I love a good berry cobbler or a yummy pavlova!
  3. Besides plain, what’s your favorite way to eat a banana? Carmelized Bananas!
  4. Besides plain, what’s your favorite way to eat a peach? Homemade peach ice cream is delightful!
  5. Besides plain, what’s your favorite way to eat a pineapple? I love pineapple but I have to be careful with it because it is so acidic. But grilled pineapple with chocolate is always yummy. Something i do more often is canned pineapple in a dump cake!

So what are your favorite was to eat fruit? What ways would you like to learn how to make it?

One thought on “My First Friday Five”

  1. I am a plain jane. When it comes to fruit and veggies I like them how they are. Though any type of berry pie or cobbler works for me!

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