My Life List, Sort of #VlogMom

I participated in this week’s #VlogMom topic! The question comes from Jessica at (And I going to have to look into how she found the marbles later;). It is about our life list and the top 3 items on it.

I feel kind of bad because I may not have exactly answered the question but hey, it has been an emotional week! 😉

5 thoughts on “My Life List, Sort of #VlogMom”

  1. *wipes tears* First & foremost, I hope everything turns out ok. And I agree with Jessica, your raw honesty touched my heart.

    There aren’t many “deal-breakers” on my life-list either… it’s a fun dreamy thing to think about, but if I don’t get to do some of the things on it, eh. What really matters is the time we have with our loved ones.

    Incredible vlog!

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