The Long Delayed Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the November 21, 2006 edition of carnival of pregnancy. I admit that I am using a premade carnival template but at least it will be up! We have just moved into the new house and I am sitting among boxes. We also have had to overcome internet issues. But enough for the whinny and onto the carnival!

Kate Baggott presents Top Ten Postpartum Essentials posted at Babylune, saying, “Can you handle the truth? These are the things you really need to have ready for after the baby is born. While everyone else is focussed on the new person in your family, try to take care of you during the post partum weeks.”

Lisa Mitchell presents Is Dad Feeling a Little Left Out? posted at Let’s Talk Babies.

Caroline Latham presents Brain Coach Answers: Is “placenta brain” real? I can’t remember anything ever since I got pregnant! posted at SharpBrains: Your Window into the Brain Fitness Revolution, saying, “Hope you enjoy this article!”

Loni presents Are Kidney Stones Contagious? posted at Sarah Laughed . . . I Cried, saying, “21 weeks pregnant and a kidney stone are not much fun, as Loni, pregnant with her 12th baby shares.”

Fun Facts Other

Cecilia Leibovitz presents Baby Wrapping posted at Cecilia Leibovitz.

Surfingmama presents An online baby shower? Yes!! posted at Surfingmama.

Surfingmama presents When your baby hates milk posted at Surfingmama.

Renata Vincoletto presents Things you can do and learn with your child posted at A geek Family.

Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD presents Low-birth-weight Quiz posted at RDoctor Medical Portal, saying, “problems with low birth weight”

Julie Heath – More4kids Inc. presents Stages Of Pregnancy – An Amazing Journey posted at Julie Heath – More4kids Inc..

Christopher J. Brunner presents Mompreneurs: Balancing Work and Motherhood posted at The Small Business Buzz, saying, “Thank you for considering my post for inclusion into this week’s edition of the CoP.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

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