We are still here!

For those of you wondering, we have not fallen off the face of the earth. Moving has been crazy and isn’t completely done. It seems much harder than the last time we did it. But then again, we only had a 9 month old. Now we have the 5, 3 and 1 yr old and I am pregnant. That definately complicates things. We still have piles of junk at the old house but all the furnuture is moved over. Now if only we could sell the other house. A couple of facts people may want to know (especially the people I see in real life):
1. The phone number is the same.
2. The email is still the same. Right now we are having technical difficulties (new provider) so I am recieving mail but unable to send any out.
3. The snail mail forward is on!

We will be bloggin more soon.

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