Welcome to My Party!

Welcome all you Ultimate Blog Partiers! (and all of the rest of you too;)

I always have a hard time knowing what to put in these type of posts. How shocking that someone who calls herself NerdMom would be socially awkward;). As you can see, we are a nerdy lot over here. We love to have fun, we love to learn, and we love our family!

We homeschool our 4 kids and so that gives me plenty of things to write about. We also love politics. But when it all boils down to it I am a mom who loves showing off my kids’ art project, struggles with organizing my house and loves sharing tips that help our lives.

So what are you interests and passions?

Want to meet more Partiers? Head on over!
Ultimate Blog Party 2010

So prizes I would like to win (who wouldn’t;): Of course the grand prize of a laptop! But other than that… I would love US101, US 112, US39, US 105, US87 but I would be happy with just about anything (but my youngest child is about 3;).

0 thoughts on “Welcome to My Party!”

  1. Happy party time! I have to sons who homeschool and they really give my wif and I plenty to blog and photograph. Glad to have stopped by and look forward to seeing at the party.

  2. I am also a home schooling, socially awkward mom nerd! Isn’t it awesome how no matter the size of the internet you can always find others to have things in common with?

    If you get a chance, I’d love to see you over at my place. Have a great time UBPartying it up!

  3. Oh I think I found just the right blog. Nerdy? Um…I think we’d fit right on in. Nice to meet you! I’m just dropping by with the blog party to say hello. 🙂

    PS..I never know what to say in those kinds of posts either.

  4. Gaa! I LOVE the title of your blog — and the tag line as well! (My husband and I are raising our own family of nerds.) Stopping by from the UBP.

    I checked out some of your other posts, and as regards your Easter post:
    “You might ask why an Easter baptism service. Well, it goes into what baptism logistically symbolizes. You die with Christ, you are buried with Christ and you are resurrected with Christ. Did I mention that we are full immersion;)? Now, I don’t know a verse that teaches that (before you send angry emails) but it is death of the old life and birth of a new life.” I think the verse you’re looking for is Romans 6:4, which you’ve paraphrased pretty well! (I had to look that up – I’m Catholic, so we don’t memorize chapter & verse (but we do do full immersion in our parish!).)

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