What is next?

Before I begin, this is a whine and an update. I know God knows what He is doing, I just wish He let me in on it. I will officially say that life is getting a little hard;).

So in case my life wasn’t crazy enough with a week of spotting and then losing the baby. It got harder. Last Saturday the NerdBug woke up a sore throat. NerdDad looked and saw white spots so we figured that he probably had strep. Well, Sunday he was fine but I wasn’t . I got diagnosed with strep the beginning of last week. It is the body aches, knives in the throat horrible kind. So Thursday night NerdPie started complaining about her throat. So we planned on taking then all to the pediatrician. I decided to meet NerdDad and the kids after I picked up in for the printer (I had a $38 giftcard that expired on Friday). So I ran over to Riverpark and had enough time to go into Berean and got a blended mocha. I was walking to the car and trip and fell. I would love to say there was a huge hole but there wasn’t. It was a piece of concrete that was about 1 inch in diameter and 2 inches long. So as I am face down on the pavement and nice young man came running to help me up. One ankle hurt and the other knee. So I got in the car to go to the pediatricians office to find all 3 kids have strep. Then I went to urgent care and was there about 3 hours. I am in a brace for 2 weeks.

So on top of all that, I was supposed to see my father for the first time since I was 2 and I had to cancel. We are trying to get our house in order to sell it and I am a hobbily horse;). Ok, pity party over but no one give me a hard time about showing up places and getting things done;). Oh, please pray for my family, we need it.

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