Book Review: Simplified Exclamations About God’s Will

“So, if we are (1) giving God glory in all that we do, (2) obeying God’s commandments, and (3) being a witness for Christ, we are indeed doing God’s will.” I would say that this is the main point of Jeffrey Gante’s Simplified Exclamations about God’s Will: A Helpful Guide to Discovering Purpose in Life. This book is a simply way to view the many aspects of God’s will. For the most part I think that the book really has great insight into how to approach our lives and be in God’s will. This book is a quick read at only 65 pages. There in is where lies the problem. Gante makes some broad statements that I think can’t be taken at face value. An example is “…we are only accountable to God foe obeying His written will.” If you put the book down you may not have the proper picture (according to what I believe but also the author). He goes on to expound with scripture that shows if you are drawing close to God it will be made clear what you are to do but he doesn’t seem to allow for willfulness on our part. A scripture that Gante uses for this point is Jeremiah 20:9 where Jeremiah says tht God’s word is burning in his heart. Gante uses this as proof that Jeremiah couldn’t help his role as a preacher and prophet. But, couldn’t Jeremiah have dug his heals in and not spread God’s word? What would that mean in his relationship with God either in the short or the long term?

On the whole I think that this book is pretty solid, just don’t stop reading before you get to the scriptural evidence backing up his point. I have to say that the scripture definately lays out the point more effectively. He definately uses his BS in Bible to pull applicable scriptures and put together a cohesive picture of God’s will. I would give this a 4 out of 5 and would recommend this book. I am a homeschooling mom who is reviewing this for Active Christian Media.

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