Oy! What to do with left over Matzos?

So I was over atthe 5th Kosher cooking Carnival and me-ander reminded all of us that just because Passover is over, we can all eat matzo all year. This reminded me of a great recipe I came up with a few years ago to use up leftovers. I don’t know if I would call it a recipe or more of a method.
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and lube up (with fat of your choice) a baking dish (of your choice).
2. Take a couple of eggs and come water and mix it up to make a dredging liquid. I would also add any herbs, spices or seasonings you would like. At this point don’t make the liquid to thin, you want it like a batter(ish).
3. Pick the leftover meat of your choice. By picking (a southern term) I really mean shred. Now, I have done this with cornish game hen and beef roast but I am sure it would work with anything.
4. Put a layer of meat in the bottom.
5. Now dip so matoz (what ever will qualify as 1 layer across) into the egg mixture and place it on top of the meat.
6. Continue until you have used all your meat, ending with a layer of matzos on top.
7. Top with oill and cover with foil.
8. Bake for 30 minutes (for 8 by 8) to an hour (9 by 13) or until matzos are set and everything is warm.

I am sure that you could also add root veggies but I have always had them on the sides.

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