Category Archives: pregnancy and babies

Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the April 13, 2007 edition of carnival of pregnancy. Due to my exhaustion with my own pregnancy I am taking help where I can get it with the template. Next time I will put a little more of myself into it;).

Hueina Su presents Take Time for Friendships posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, saying, “Remember that story of a mom telling her soon-to-be-married daughter to never let go of her girlfriends? In our super-busy society, it’s easy to neglect the important relationships in our life. As I navigated through school, career, marriage, and motherhood, I became more and more appreciative and grateful for my old friends. No matter how busy you are, I hope you take time to nurture the significant friendships in your life.”

Stacie Turner presents Things Not to Say to a Very Pregnant Woman posted at The Twinkies.

Kate Baggott presents Postpartum Painkillers You Shouldn’t Take posted at Babylune, saying, “Just a reminder, when you deal with post-birth pain, your pain killer should not include codeine!”

Kate Baggott presents A Sensual Birth posted at Babylune, saying, “Second submission: If you plan to give birth without pain relief, you might want to consider a sensual birth.”

H.S. Ayoub presents biotech stocks, news, commentary – BioHealth Investor posted at BioHealth Investor.

OurBlogs presents The Perfect Play-Day posted at A Guide to Raising Great Kids.

isabella mori presents granny post number 4: waiting, waiting posted at change therapy, saying, “a post on pregnancy from the point of view of a terribly excited grandmother-to-be”

Wixx presents 10 Baby Items You Think You Need, But Really Don’t posted at Personal Finance Advice, saying, “10 things that most parents assume they need when they have a baby, but really don’t.”

Fun Facts Other

Niki Anders presents Let?s talk cloth posted at The-A-TEAM.

Leisa presents Out of the mouths of strangers posted at

Julie Heath – More4kids Inc. presents Pregnancy: Choosing Baby Names posted at Julie Heath – More4kids Inc..

Andrea presents What is Physiotherapy? posted at Travel Vaccinations, saying, “Physiotherapy can be of great benefit to expectant mothers.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

Technorati tags:

carnival of pregnancy, blog carnival.

Welcome to the March 23, 2007 edition of carnival of pregnancy.

Praveen presents Tao of Simplicity: Little Bo Peep – Taoist Nursery Rhyme? posted at Tao of Simplicity.

Lisa presents Pregnant and Waiting posted at My Thoughts, Ideas, and Rambligns.

The Positivity Blog presents Take the Positivity Challenge! posted at Henrik Edberg.

Alvaro Fernandez presents Stress Management Workshop for International Women’s Day posted at SharpBrains: Your Window into the Brain Fitness Revolution, saying, “Both being pregnant and having a little kid can be both a joy and a major source of stress…here we share some exercises and tips for better stress management based on a recent workshop we gave in honor of International Women’s Day”

Alvaro Fernandez presents Training the brain with a computer workout program: MindFit posted at SharpBrains, saying, “May programs like this help deal with the “placenta brain” and typical memory/ concentration issues during the third trimester?”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

Technorati tags:

carnival of pregnancy, blog carnival.

Color Seperated Pep Talks

Last week I talked about concerns some people have about homeschooling, one of which is that kids are limited as to the types of people they are around. Apparently one public school think that separation is good, at a race level. Mount Diablo High School in the bay area separated students by race for a pre-exam pep talk. Personally I find this reprehensible as did some of the students. The students attended assemblies complete with flags of their heritage (or country of heritage) and they were told to do their race proud. They were informed how much better white kids on the whole do on these tests and were using race as a motivation. Now my kids are only in school with one race (at least the everyday stuff) but that is only because my husband and I only can make one race of child. But my kids are in groups with many different ethnicities and if I ever heard my kids making similar white comments, well you can’t even imagine what kind of trouble they would be in.

(HT: Joanne Jacobs)

Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to this edition of the Pregnancy Carnival. We have some very interesting and insightful posts so let us jump right in. First up is The One Year Exit Plan with “Congratulations, You are Pregnant!” Personalized Fertility Mantras. They point out the power of positive thinking when it comes to IVF. Then we move onto More4Kids and What Are Some Danger Signs Of Pregnancy? This would have definitely answered a lot of my questions when I was pregnant with the first 2. Jigsaw HC’s Rants and Reviews shares with us the Top Reasons to Fly with a Baby or Child. And yes, that means there are some;).

Then we move onto headlines with my own post about the 22 Week Miracle Baby. Venomous Kate over at Electric Venom asks Pregnancy: The Latest In Teen Fashion?

Next we move onto some great personal posts. We start with Dana at Principled Discovery with Pregnancy Update, or prayers answered before requested about a moment of worry and its moment of joy at its resolution. Next, PixelRN submits Switching Teams about going from an OB practice to a midwife practice.

Then the stories that tell us what it is all about. Emily’s Blessings offers Pregnancy Photo’s Blessing # 5 – Sierra Michelle that tells the story of her youngest daughter, including the years of praying by an older child. Then Homeschooling Hints announces Our baby is here!

That brings us to the end of this Pregnancy Carnival. Please read, share and comment on our many fine contributions. Then, submit an article and join us for our next edition on March 16th!

Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to this edition of the Pregnancy Carnival! I saw this cute picture on a flyer at my church and I thought it would be perfect for all of us already in the baby mood. (No I don’t know this child) Let us jump right in to this edition’s entries.

First up is the news. Dr. Helen has an interesting article on 67 year old mother who gave birth in Freak Show or Miracle? I have many opinions on the subject but I already commented on her article;). Then Let’s Talk Babies asks How Much Do Children Cost? They talk about a very interesting report put out by the Department of Agriculture.

Next, let us look at some articles that give us great advice. More4Kids give us some great help in Preparing Children for Baby’s Arrival. Biblical Womanhood gives us Input Requested: Home Birth vs Hospital Birth. She takes a factual and calm approach to the up side of birthing centers. Babylune then gives us some lighthearted advice with Top 5 Movies for New Mothers. I can definately use this now and for all those nursing times after the baby comes!

Now we turn to stories and our own experiences. We start with Joy in the Morning and This Pregnant Body-32 Weeks. She shares what she is now going through at this point in her high risk pregnancy. She also announces so contests going on in regards to her new bundle of joy! Little Ida shares her joy and fun she had at her Baby Blessing-Way. The last entry is my own with Baby Announcement and no I am not telling you what it is, just go read it;).

That brings us to the end of this edition of the Pregnancy Carnival. After you read all these great entries please submit your article for the next Pregnancy Carnival on March 2nd. It is Easy! Just go over to BlogCarnival to submit.

Bratty Kid Gets Family Tossed From Plane!

Recently, AirTran Airways removed a family from a flight due to a bratty 3 year old. Now there is a little more to it. The FAA has a rule that a child over 2 must have their own seat and be in it for take off. So here this flight is, already 15 minutes delayed, with a child that wouldn’t get into her seat. That translates into hiding under her seat and hitting her parents. There were 112 other passengers to think of. How many people have missed their connecting flights? I know that NerdDad has. So the airline kicked them off. The airline got them the next flight, refunded their money and then gave them roundtrip tickets to any where the airline flies. I totally feel that AirTran was in the right. We won’t even get into the various bad parenting issues going on here (3 is still to young to be aware enough to be afraid of flying) . This is coming from a mom that has a 5 year old, 3 year old and an 18 month old. I would gladly fly this ariline any time. So go comment AirTran for their great choices.

(HT: Electric Venom)