Category Archives: tech

5 Apps to Start the School Year With


September is rapidly approaching and it is a perfect time to make sure you are all set for a great academic year. And 1 step in that is making sure you have some great apps to help with not only your kids’ homework but your own intellectual development. Lets make those phones and tablets work for us!!!

To that end I have put together a list of 5 must have academic apps! (Note: these are all Android apps that can be found in the Amazon Store)

1) Merriam-Webster Dictionary: This is not the only dictionary app but it is my favorite free one so far. It has a vocal search and does a great job of popping up spellings as you type! There is also a word of the day with full definition and parts of speech!

2)This Day In History: This is a great history app in so many ways! This is great because it can help you see a variety of concurrent events in history. You can search dates, names or key words so you don’t have to know when something happened. There are also different categories like World history, sports, Disney and USA histories. Side note, did you know that my best friend Sara shares a birthday with Oliver Cromwell?

3)Key: Minerals: We have gotta have some science! I love this free earth science app! You can look up specific minerals and learn everything from compositions to looks to how it is formed. You can also input certain characteristics and it will give you the minerals that match. There is even a quiz. The makers of this app (Web Solutions) also have a variety of other science apps so if you are studying something else make sure to see if they have an app for it!

4)Famous Quotes: My mom used to tell me to use quotes in papers and arguments because no one thought something was important just because I say it but if you can quote someone more important. That is a great tip that I have used my whole life! But unless you are inherently an encyclopedia, you need something to get your quotes from! Famous quotes has the ability to view by author or search by key word! When I search the word integrity I got 23 results going from Ayn Rand to Dr. Laura.

5)Wikipedia: This is my all time favorite nerd app! I use Wikipedia for everything else (except math). I think I use it at least 3 times a week in just conversations. Why wonder when you can look it up in Wikipedia. A word of caution: It is publicly sorced and derived. Don’t use it as a source in papers and don’t change your life. It is usually right but not always!!!

So what are your go to nerdy and academic apps? I am always looking for more and free is preferred. Hopefully this will be great resources for you and your family this school year!!

(Disclosure: I am a Verizon Ambassador. That is how I get my phones to put these fabulous apps on. But as always, the words & thoughts are mine. The apps have also been chosen exclusively by me! #VZWBuzz)

My #1 Life Management Tool

Cozi LogoI know, that is a big claim but I Cozi is awesome!!! For years I ran a hybrid of list pads, day planners, list files in Google Drive and Google calendars but they just weren’t working the way I needed for my family. My first inclination was to try and get the husband to build an online tool but nobody has time for that;). So I had to figure out if I could find tool to balance all my needs and I am quite needy.


Continue reading at Geek for the Real Girl

4th of July Phone Pics

I wanted to share some of my 4th of July pictures that I took with my Samsung Galaxy S4 that I received from Verizon!! These are totally untouched so please excuse the lack of cropping!
2013-07-04 21.25.29

Will I ever fall out of love with the site of fireworks in the dark? Even with the smoke they are still gorgeous!
2013-07-04 21.29.42

Seriously, this is just the S4 camera with the flash off. That is it!!! These are the best pictures of our yearly fireworks that I have gotten yet! I usually take my point and shoot out and might get 1 that is even worth editing.

2013-07-04 21.30.10

The shutter speed was pretty fabulous! The one bad thing… I was getting such great pictures I kept getting closer and closer like my camera was going to protect me;). Seriously, we had a ball on the 4th and I am stoked that I got some fab pictures!!!

Thanks again to Verizon for the Samsung Galaxy S4!!! I am loving it! But while they gave me the phone all thoughts and words are mine and mine alone!!!

Mophie Juice Pack Giveaway

mophie juice pack powerstation

Recently I was very blessed to receive the opportunity to attend a gathering of bloggers at Verion’s headquarters recently! We were there to learn what great things Verizon is doing and to give them feedback. They blessed us with some great gifts while we were there. One is my brand new Samsung Galaxy S4 along with some cases. They also gave me a Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation and they gave me an extra to give to one of my fabulous readers!!!

(Continue reading and go to the giveaway page at Geek for the Real Girl!)

8 Video Games to Keep Your Kids Moving

wii smurfs
It is winter and around here that means rain and cold. But my kids are all still kids and they are homeschooled so that means I am stuck with the wiggles and all that energy. So what is a parent to do??? One of my answers is video games (or if they are really honery they get to do jumping jacks). There are some great activity based video games out there right now for all platforms. I only have experience with the Kinect and Wii platforms but I have hear the the Playstation Move system is pretty good too. But not all types of movement based games work for everyone so here are 8 games (separated out by game type) to keep your kids moving. Better yet, go join them and get some exercise too!!!

(Keep reading at NerdFamily Things)

8 Video Games to Keep Your Kids Moving

My girls shaking it to Smurfs Dance Party!
My girls shaking it to Smurfs Dance Party!

It is winter and around here that means rain and cold. But my kids are all still kids and they are homeschooled so that means I am stuck with the wiggles and all that energy. So what is a parent to do??? One of my answers is video games (or if they are really honery they get to do jumping jacks). There are some great activity based video games out there right now for all platforms. I only have experience with the Kinect and Wii platforms but I have hear the the Playstation Move system is pretty good too. But not all types of movement based games work for everyone so here are 8 games (separated out by game type) to keep your kids moving. Better yet, go join them and get some exercise too!!!

Sports Themed:
1)Wii Sports: This was kind of the original motion game that came with a lot of Wii systems, at least it came with ours;).
2)Wii Get Moving Family Fitness: This is made by Jumpstart and a ton of fun! We have played for hours and still haven’t tried everything! (Read move of my thoughts here)
3)Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection: This is a huge collection of sports all using the fabulous Kinect!!!
4)Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 : This is a real trainer system for honest to goodness workouts. It can totally fill in for the gym but the kids enjoy the activities too! (Read some of NerdDad’s thoughts)

Adventure Themed:
5)Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth: Once of my favorites! It gives your kids all the thrill of fighting each other without touching! It is also quite a workout!!!
6)Kinect Party Base Game: It is free and is a download from the Xbox Live Arcade. There are paid add ons but my kids really enjoy the base game. It has things to hit like Fruit Ninja. In one scenario your are King Kong in the city with buildings to step on and airplanes to swat at!

Dance Themed: I am conservative as to the dance games both on moves and lyrics but these 2 I love for all ages!
7)Just Dance Disney Party: This is a great game with both old and new Disney songs!
8)Smurf Dance Party: Great songs with fun dance moves! It is only available on the Wii and DS so no Kinect on this one. (Read more of our thoughts here)

Here are 8 great options to keep everyone moving when the weather doesn’t want to work with you;). Here in Fresno we also need this list when it is 100 outside so don’t limit yourself to the winter;).