Category Archives: church

Another Year Ends

Last Meeting of the 2009-10 NewCov MOPS

Today we had our last group meeting for MOPS. It is doubly sad. Not only is the year ended but so has NewCov MOPS (for now). There just isn’t a leadership team for next year and that is always a big sign that it may not be the Lord’s timing for a ministry. But we (both moms and kids) have built relationships with each other that will go on beyond any official group. And that is a blessing.

Be a World Changing Family!

Today at MOPS we had an awesome speaker who spoke on being a world changing family. Shelley was awesome. Not only did she talk about some great ways to change the world with our kids (Operation Christmas Child, making sandwiches to give to the homeless, etc) she also brought treats!!! She made the adorable cookies herself!!!

But is it hard to be a world changing family, especially with younger kids? I don’t think so. The focus is to teach them to be generous and to care for others starting at a young age. The best way I can see to change the world is to show it God’s love. So start involving your kids (or start serving someone yourself) in showing love to others and that alone will change the world.
I think of the joy my kiddos have gotten putting change in the Salvation Army buckets. Or helping me take food to a family with a sick mom or a family that just had a baby. I love the idea of just making bagged lunches and handing them out to people who need them. I don’t know where you live but around here we seem to have people begging on every corner. You can also do canned food drives, collect change for your local Pregnancy Care Center or just about anything. Just do something no matter how small.
It isn’t hard but it is intentional.
That was a word that Shelley used a lot, intentional. This doesn’t just happen but you have to do it. Shelley had a great idea we might start doing. She has a friend that takes all of her kids’ artwork down to the convalescent home. I might have to start doing that. Between church and what the kids just make at home, we are swimming in the stuff. To think it might brighten someone else’s day and not have to go in the recycle bin (at least so soon) makes me happy.
So what do you do with you kids to make them World Changers?

Pray for Shelley and her family! They are a world changing family in a big way. They have sold their house and will be moving their family down to Colombia to preach God’s Word. They are not already in the ministry (her hubby is a teacher) and their kids are young (4 girls ages 10-6). So this isn’t convenient but they were called by the Lord. So I ask you all to keep them in your prayers!
Updated: I was asked why I would consider this a WFMW. I can say that for many years I was looking for ways to help my kids serve others. I think there are some really good ideas on how to get your kids active in showing generosity and love to others!

Sunday School Reflections

In James 4 there is a verse that says to “Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”I put before you that this is so much more than just getting the dirt off. When I was a freshman in college I was blessed to attend a Shabbat at the local Chasidic rabbi’s house. 1 of the things I remember was a ceremonial washing of hands. Everyone (including me) did it after the men’s prayer time and before the meal. There wasn’t any scrubbing but a specific calm procedure that served to cleanse you. Could this be what James is referring too? A solem cleansing of our sould and being?

These are the things that I think about during Sunday School. Where the Old and the New collide without fanfare or attention.

Jelly Telly

I love VeggieTales! If you didn’t know that just means you don’t know me well;). Now Phil Vischer is behind a new venture called JellyTelly. Originally they were going to be charging but they aren’t any more (at least not for a while). While we are a pro-tv family, we wish there was more Christian media out there and this might be the answer! Watch the clips and then go check it out!!!

They are letting churches use the clips for download $4.99 to use over at JellyBits.

Everyone Has Their Line

First, watch this. Now don’t pause halfway through and start formulating your arguments. Watch all the way to the end but there is a bad word beeped out.

Stephen Colbert is usually pretty irreverent and chooses to point out ridiculousness that way. But apparently there are somethings you don’t leave unsaid (which I agree with) and hope that people catch. Even someone on Comedy Central can take a stand for God.

(HT: The Anchoress)
Technorati Tags: Satan, Lucifer, Stephen Colbert, evil, God